Monday, June 30, 2014

Lovely weekend recap

Sat was a work day for me, but I did something a bit unusual:  I hosted a public open house.  My team doesn't do a lot of open houses because in this area they are not effective in selling homes.  They are often attended only by nosey neighbors rather than home buyers.  Serious buyers almost always work with an agent.  But I agreed to do this open house for my client.  He bought this house which was in very bad condition, completely remodeled it, and is now selling it.  Unfortunately the open house was very poorly attended.
My client's house for sale
That evening I met up with Vic & Mike and our mutual friend Kevin and his new boyfriend Scott for dinner at Saketumi.  I hadn't seen Kevin since sometime before we moved from VA in Jan 2007 so it was great to reconnect.  Everyone enjoyed their dinners and the conversation.
Vic's lobster dinner
Although I was not on the schedule to perform in that night's Legends show, I received a call on Fri asking if I could fill in for someone who had a family emergency.  Of course I said yes.  So after dinner with the guys, I went to the Blue Moon to become Neil Sedaka.
My version of Neil Sedaka
Sun I met Steven for breakfast at the Crystal.  Thad went to yoga, Joe P had brunch plans with a visiting friend, and Spouse stayed home to make potato salad.  After breakfast Spouse & I went to a small car show where we ran into Rick & Nick.  
A rare AMC Ambassador
Later we went to Steven & Thad's for a BBQ celebrating the birthdays of 1 of the Bobs, Joe P, and Jack, and the retirement of Robin.  As usual, we brought Spouse's legendary potato salad.  The weather was absolutely stunning, about 80 degrees, low humidity, and a nice breeze.  
Making a wish!
 It was the perfect way to end the weekend!


  1. WOW! What a busy... but fun... weekend.

  2. your client's kitchen is bigger than mine (jealous).

    and joe p doesn't look a day over 30! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE P!

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Whew! I'm tired just reading about it! Coolness!

    Peace <3

  4. You really ran the gamut that weekend!

  5. Neil who? I'll have to google him.

  6. Ok, the only song of his I know, is The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Hmm, he seems like a big deal, I'm surprised I've never heard of him.

  7. You get to go to more car shows. I never make one. A rare AMC car for sure. At first glance, I thought it a Lincoln.
    Sorry your Open House did not go well. Do clients prefer wood cabinets or white. I'm obsessed with white on white cabinets.
    Sounds like a fun time.


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