Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Home sweet home

Today was our travel and recovery day.

After 3 very full days of eating, drinking, talking, laughing, and driving to visit multiple friends and family members, we packed our stuff and hit the road about 11:30.  It had snowed earlier this morning, covering everything with a thin blanket of white, but turned to rain by the time we left.  The roads were a little dicey so I drove a little slower than usual and stayed alert to the varying road conditions.  The cold temperature and the rain, sometimes hard, made for a lousy drive home.

Once we got home we unloaded the car (in the rain), changed into warm,comfy flannel pajama pants and just chilled.  Poor little Marvin Parker was exhausted.  He had so much fun playing with everyone and getting lots and lots of attention, plus he didn't get his usual nap each day, so he was tuckered out.  Spouse & I watched TV and Marvin snuggled up to us and practically fell into a coma.  It was nice to just hang out and relax until bedtime.

Regardless of how wonderful the visit and how much fun we have, its always nice to return home.


  1. yep. home is quiet and comfortable and YOURS. when traveling, home is noisy and cramped and NOT YOURS.

  2. It's true what Dorothy says, "There's no place like home!" Happy New Year to you and Joe!


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