Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

I saw this on facebook and it cracked me up!

Spouse & I were both off today.  We ran a bunch of errands and then met up with our buddies Steven, Bob, and Joe P for lunch at Saketumi.  We actually ordered desert after lunch and this is what we got:
Our waiter, Anthony, overheard us talking about tomorrow's wedding and surprised us with this.

Its hard to believe that our "big day" is tomorrow night!  I feel pretty confident about everything so I'm not nervous... except for that darned main control unit.  The electrician didn't get it back until nearly 7pm, so he's coming tomorrow morning - as in the day of the wedding - to reinstall it.

Tonight we met up with Steven & Thad and Joe P for our 'bachelor party' dinner.  Actually, they treated us to dinner at the local diner which was a perfect way to relax with our buddies the night before the big day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Have a wonderful day!

    I can't believe it happened so fast.

    I can't wait to see the pics and read all about it.

    A lifetime of love, happiness and health to you both!


Go ahead! What are you waiting for? Comment already.