Thursday, December 15, 2011

Company Christmas party

Last night we had our company Christmas party. The owners of our agency rented out an entire restaurant and had an open bar, a buffet of cocktail party food, and a band.

The party was well attended with about 75% of employees, plus many of us brought our spouses. My Spouse is not a big fan of the whole company Christmas party thing, although he has graciously come with me to most of mine in the past. I expected he would be hinting that he wanted to leave after only an hour or so, but to my surprise he really seemed to enjoy himself and we stayed until just before the official end time.

My colleague Amy brought her camera and took several photos. Here's me and Spouse:

Here's Dawn, Spouse, and me:

Here's Spouse, Amy, and me:

Here's Spouse, Christy, and me:

I just noticed there's a Cosmo in my hand in every photo! It was a very nice evening.


  1. Tis the season for parties! Merry merry!

  2. anne marie in philly11:38 AM

    you and spouse are such a great-looking twosome!

    ummmmmmmmmmmm, cosmos....

  3. A good time was had by all...and no, Joe DOES NOT look unhappy. Christmas wishes to everyone!


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