Thursday, July 07, 2011


I've gotten to the point where I can barely stand to watch the "news" (term used loosely) anymore.

Even the so-called "news" channels rarely report actual news. In fact, there isn't enough actual news occurring for these 24-hour stations to report on. So what do they do? They have hour long talk shows where 'experts' (term used loosely) talk about theories, conjecture, and what-ifs.

And I hate it when they talk over top of each other. Chris Matthews (I love that he's a reasonable liberal) is one of the worst. He'll talk right over top of his invited guest panelists.
And heaven forbid there is a missing white girl! Those channels will interview every psychologist and criminal behavior specialist they can find to fill up the 24 hours in a day.

We've become the generation of the over-informed, and not in the good way. All that blathering eventually sounds like white noise.

Then there's the very real possibility that the "news" that gets told is biased by the owners and supporters of the networks. Obviously the news on Fox isn't the same as the news on MSNBC.

Spouse thinks I should be more interested in what's going on in our country and around the world. I tell him I'm interested in the news, but not the garbage on the news channels.


  1. I haven't watched the news for more than ten years. I prefer to read. I lose less time and I can choose more easily what I really need to now!

  2. anne marie in philly6:43 PM

    AMEN, BRO!

    I quit watching all tv in 1999. I read; I get the morning newspaper delivered. much quieter and more civilized, don't you think?

  3. Amen and ...AMEN from me too Mark! I couldn't agree with you more. Casey Anthony, raising the debt ceiling, etc, etc, etc. Enough already. I'm sick of it. And Fox News? Isn't that an oxymoron?

  4. >And heaven forbid there is a missing white girl! Those channels will interview every psychologist and criminal behavior specialist they can find to fill up the 24 hours in a day.<

    But if there's a missing girl of color, the news is crickets chirping.

  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    News media everywhere has been corrupted by corporate power.

    The local news here isn't too bad. They can't help it, RI is so corrupt that you'd literally have to shut down the station not to report on some of the shadier things.

    However, the Caylee whats her name? I couldn't have cared less. A mother kills her child, that's old news.


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