Friday, July 01, 2011

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

What is WRONG with this picture???

Bugs & Roger supposed to come today and spend the holiday weekend with us. However, Roger's parents were in a car accident about a month ago so they are going to spend the long weekend with his parents. I'll miss them!

I've been working with a couple from CT since Tues. I showed them homes on Tues and Wed, then took them back to 1 home for a 2nd showing. Today we wrote up and offer on that house! I hope it works out. Its going to be a very busy day at work tomorrow. I'm scheduled to show property to 3 different people/couples!

So, what's in YOUR back yard?

Tonight we're going to a smart dinner party at Joe P's. Steven & Thad, Jack & Alisha, and the Bobs will be there as well. Afterward I'm singing a song in the Divas Show at the Blue Moon. One of the perks of winning the Rehoboth Idol contest is being paid to sing in Blue Moon shows. Tonight's the 1st night of this perk for me.


  1. anne marie in philly9:04 PM

    oh sweet mother of pearl...I would LOVE to have that in my backyard!

    and my BIL would hate my guts (he's a car freak...).

    no, that's wrong, my BIL is a freak AND a car freak!

  2. Turning a beautiful car into a grill and patio set is just WRONG.


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