Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First rehearsal

This evening after work I went to the 1st rehearsal for the "Legends" show.

(Stock photo)

Singers had an opportunity to run through their numbers on stage with the mic and soundtrack.

The back-up dancers ran through some of their routines on the stage with the 'legends', to get a feel for how much space they had to dance in.

The costume guy was there with some of our costumes so we could try them on. One of mine needed some alterations so he pinned and marked it.

We went over the finale and worked out who's singing what and where we're supposed to be.

I'm really getting excited about it! The 1st show is this coming Sat. I'm not in the 1st 1 which is kind of nice, but I'll be in the audience watching and cheering them on.

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