Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy hour

Tonight I hosted a happy hour in the lounge at Saketumi.

The purpose of the happy hour was to celebrate my new career as a realtor. I invited all kinds of people: friends, realtors, neighbors, colleagues, 'the usual suspects', karaoke singers - 200 people in all!

Folks stopped at the bar for a drink, then came around the bar into the lounge where tables were set up with platters of appetizers - and my business cards - on them. Many folks already knew each other so they visited as they snacked on crab wontons, coconut shrimp, sushi, and spring rolls.It went really well! About 45 people attended and I was able to 'work the room' and speak with everyone at 1 point or another.

Several people brought congratulations cards, 1 couple brought me a bottle of wine, and another friend brought me cologne. What lovely, unexpected surprises!

But probably the biggest surprise was the cake decorated by my creative friends Deb & Greer.
If you click to enlarge the photo, you'll see the cake is decorated with color photos of the Realtor logo, actual photos of some of our listings, Big Ella, and my face Photoshopped onto bodies dressed in tuxedos and suits! I was so amazed I was nearly lost for words.

My real estate happy hour was a huge success and I'm hoping that these folks will think of me the next time they need real estate services, and will recommend me to their friends and neighbors.


  1. Of course you had business cards. You just HAD to!

  2. anne marie in philly6:42 PM

    I wish I lived closer; your party sounds marvy!

    and YOU - you are looking so handsome and relaxed and comfortable (and perhaps tipsy). damn, if you batted for my team, I would have my way with you every which way but loose!

    smooches to a VERY successful career-changing guy!


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