Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More holiday yummies

Yesterday I made an eggnog cake. It was super easy and very good.
Start with a boxed white cake mix and prepare it according to the instructions on the box but with 2 exceptions: use whole eggs instead of egg whites, and substitute eggnog for the water. Bake it in a Bundt pan if you have one, and drizzle with a glaze made of confectioners sugar and warm water. That's it - its that simple!

Some people (like Spouse) aren't crazy about the thick texture or intense flavor of drinking a glass of eggnog. That's why this cake is so great. You get a less intense flavor of eggnog with the texture of cake. Even Spouse said he liked it a lot.

Give it a try and let me know how you and your family/friends like it!


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    What kind of eggnog do you use - regular store bought? I tried making Martha's last year but it didn't turnout at all.

  2. I LOVE eggnog! It's a good thing it's only available around the holidays or I might be twice as large as I am.

    The cake looks good. I might try it.

  3. You won't believe this (maybe you will). Just yesterday I was thinking of making am egg nog bundt cake. While I was at Food Lion I purchased a quart of Lewes Dairy Egg Nog. Like Spouse, me and Significant Other don't cafe for the heavy syrupy texture of egg nog nor the cholesteral heavy calories to plaque up our afteries. Your recipe for egg nog cake is perfect timing! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oddly my dinner companions and I were discussing the thickness and texture of egg nog last night...and we are of the agreement that it's totally yucky unless you thin out the egg nog, preferably with amaretto, rum, or some other spirit!

  5. Looks pretty intense! And beautifully plated, may i add?

  6. I am not a fan of The Nog, but the cake looks so good that i may have to get Carlos, AKA The Masterbaker, to try it out.

    Merry Christmas to you and Spouse, Mark!

  7. Holy smokes! That sounds awesome! Happy Holidays you guys!

  8. At your prodding (and having a container in the fridge of eggnog that I couldn't possibly down), I made this cake... but didn't have the bundt pan, so I made it like a sheet cake... with vanilla frosting... it was very good.. and very moist! Thanks!


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