Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget but too small to be their own post.

Spouse was off work today for New Years so we went grocery shopping at 8:30 this morning. We're having friends over for dinner tomorrow and we needed to get a fresh (not frozen) turkey to roast today. We went to 4 different grocery stores and only 1 of them even had fresh turkeys. Spouse roasted the turkey and it smelled/looked amazing! Others are bringing food too. I made an orange/cranberry bundt cake.

Tonight we're going to a potluck dinner for New Year's Eve. I made sweet potato shuffle and corn casserole, my no-fail dishes. After the potluck we might meet up with some friends at a local watering hole, and we might stop in at another friend's casual New Year's eve party. There's certainly no shortage of options for us this New Years Eve!

My friend Bob sent me this, which gave me a chuckle. (Click to enlarge.)
My friend Jared sent me this:
and this...

Did you hear/read about
Pat Robertson's idiotic claim that the recent heavy snow is God's punishment for Americans who were traveling to do something gay? How incredibly stupid is that?!?! Doesn't he realize that many hetero travelers were on their way to celebrate the baby Jesus' birthday with their families? How is that 'gay'? Its amazing to me that anyone even pays attention to that nutjob anymore.

I hope everyone has a FUN and SAFE New Years Eve!!


  1. Pat Robertson seems to be getting even crazier. What a freak. Unfortunately there are lots of people who believe what he says.

  2. Blasphemeat!

    Hee hee.

    Happy 2011 Mark, and Spouse!

  3. That would go nicely with Lady Gaga's meat purse. The best to you and Joe this New Year's Mark!

  4. Mmmm, sacrelicious!

  5. Orange cranberry bundt cake........I can taste it now. I made a DELICIOUS egg nog pie last night with real whipping cream and Lewes Dairy egg nog. Talk about
    "to die for"! The way Significant Other is scooping out that pie every few hours, it's not going to last the day. I think each slice has about 2,000 fat laden calories but what the hey.
    Have a great day!

  6. anne marie in philly4:24 PM

    pat robertson should DIAF!

    the o'donnell poster - ROTFLMFAO! I should hang that in my shower where I dance with myself...but I digress...

    HNY, mark and spouse!

  7. Anonymous4:08 PM

    That first cartoon while funny is sort of untrue.

    Every cell site runs its data side through the wired network, be it fiber or copper (HDSL, etc)

    So the birds will have something to roost on.


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