Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

Here's a little sexy Santa eye candy.

President Obama signed into law the bill repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) on Wed. This will eliminate the discriminatory discharge of gay and lesbian service members. It will likely take a full year to implement the new law.

My friend Jared sent me this crazy photo.
I don't know WHAT this is, but it looks like a statue in a shopping mall of a man wearing a Santa hat taking a dump. CRAZY!!

Generous Jared also sent me this, which cracked me up!
And this one, which I'm not sure I really 'get', but made me laugh anyway.

Check out this new
Christmas song about Delaware! We may be small, but we're proud. Thanks to my friend Bob for sending me this.

My friend Kathryn sent me
this funny video with a new twist on ventriloquism. You'll love it.

Here's some more sexy Santa eye candy.

Its Christmas eve so I'd like to share with you my favorite Christmas song of all time. Take a minute to check this out:
Merry Christmas, Darling by The Carpenters.


  1. LOVE that first Santa! Woof!! And Dude's wife must have chronic dry lips!

    Wishing you and Joe a very Merry Christmas! Big Hug!

  2. I need that t-shirt. Although not in size 4X. I'll take a medium. Merry Christmas!

  3. anne marie in philly6:59 PM

    I will take the santa bears, set fire to the poo statue, and NOT get close enough to the fat dude to check out his dick!

    merry merry xmoose to you and spouse!

  4. Anonymous4:08 AM

    the statue is unsettling.

    the chapstick dick is revolutionary!

    Merry Christmas! xo

  5. LOL! Some funny ones for sure!


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