Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget but too small to be their own post.

Yesterday it snowed. We got about 2 inches which accumilated quickly since it had been so cold recently. The snow was beautiful and it gave me an opportunity to discover that the traction control on the Mercedes works!

Ever wonder what books writers choose to read? Here are 80 authors' selection of their favorite GLBT books of 2010.

Spouse is still doing well on Weight Watchers. However, his weigh-in and meetin were cancelled last night due to the slippery roads so he doesn't know how much weight he lost this week.

Spouse was excited when he found these new Special K crackers in the grocery store. They were lower calorie (etc.) than the reduced fat Triscuits and Wheat Thins. However, his excitement was short-lived when he opened the box and found the crackers were the size of postage stamps!

My friend Susan sent me this hilarious video which shows how the nativity story would occur if it happened in current times. You gotta love this!


  1. The video clip was HILarious!

  2. Special K Crackers the size of postage stamps....funny! Unfortunately there is no easy way to lose weight. My Mom thought eating rice cakes was a good way to lose weight. Try those, it's like eating nothing with a crackle. I would rather have what I had last night at Irish Eyes, a bacon cheeseburger with fries, works for me!

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog... I picked it up from John's in Wales... he's been reading mine for 2 years now and has become a great friend. If you're in Rehobeth (I'm not certain you are, but sounds like it).. maybe you know my ex, Scott Silber and his partner Albert Drulis?



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