Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Job search

As I've mentioned before, I have been looking for another 'traditional' job in my industry and have also been giving considerable thought to doing something I really want to do, become a realtor.

Although this is not the optimal time to get into real estate, fortunately this area was not as hard hit as many others by the real estate/mortgage banking crisis. So I scheduled a meeting with Lee Ann, the realtor with whom we worked when we bought our house here. She's been a realtor for over 25 years and is the top producing agent for miles around. We became friends with her in addition to being clients, and she graciously gave me her thoughts and advise. I was encouraged to hear that she didn't think it was a bad idea to get into real estate, although she did warn me that its hard work.

Afterward Lee Ann introduced me to Sandy who is the broker of record for the office. Sandy & I had a long conversation about the steps toward becoming a realtor, selecting a broker/office with whom to associate oneself, how to get started, realtor etiquette, and lots of other stuff you don't learn in real estate school. It was very enlightening and very helpful!

I couldn't believe it when we finished up and I saw I had been there for 2 hours!

Although the idea of a regular paycheck from a traditional job is tempting, it is also not really up to me. I can't make a company hire me. But with real estate, if I apply myself and work hard I can eventually make a good living doing something I really, really enjoy.

Although Spouse would prefer the security of a regular paycheck from a traditional job, he is very supportive of my research into becoming a realtor. Deep down I think he agrees with what most people who know me have said: I would be a great realtor.

So now I'm looking into the possibility of getting my real estate license sooner via an accelerated school. Wish me luck!


  1. Realtor etiquette? This sounds interesting...do tell!

  2. Good luck! Keep on opening doors.....


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