Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

The weather this week has been unseasonably cool, only in the 60s and 70s, about 10-15 degrees cooler than usual. Mon & Tues were overcast. Wed & Thurs it rained lightly, then Thurs night it stormed like crazy, and today it rained on and off. This is NOT the way to start a beautiful Sept!

Spouse has been driving me crazy with his procrastinating. Its 9:00 on Fri night and we leave bright and early for Portland in the morning, but he has not yet packed his clothes. He picked out what he wants to take about 2 hours ago, but nothing is folded or packed. This prevents me from relaxing.

Today is the anniversary of Sept 11, 2001. I've been very busy today so I haven't had much time to think about it. Honestly I don't like thinking about it. Living just 3 miles from the Pentagon back then, I remember being truly fearful that day, wondering what would be the next target for catastrophe. I try not to think about that day.

Spouse & I voted today. When one of our senators died, his seat was filled by our former House Representative, so tomorrow we're having a special election to replace our House Representative. If the Democrat wins, we'll have a veto-proof 'super majority' in the State House, so we went to the Board of Elections today and did our civic duty by voting early.

Crush du Jour: Stanley Tucci


  1. As you drop by DesignerBlog you know what a fan of his I am. Pictures like this one remind me of the fact that it isn't only his talent I get off on!

  2. Best wishes for a nice trip out -- and I hope spouse gets his clothes packed!

  3. Bon voyage! Hope you have a wonderful trip and a safe return.

    I have been somewhat lukewarm about Stanley Tucci, but this is the first picture I've seen of him sporting a beard. It improves his looks, IMHO. He resembles a younger Sean Connery a little bit in this picture.

  4. Stanley Tucci as your crush du jour is a very fine choice!

  5. Two things:
    1) Spouse is Carlos and Carlos is Spouse. The packing story is totally Carlos and I go completely nuts!
    B) I LOVE Stanley Tucci!

    and, okay, well, 3 things:

    Have fun in Oregon.

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    At the time of 9/11, I was working in the Mall of America--which is also in the Top 10 places for a terrorist attack. There are always patrolling uniformed and plainclothes security. A police station on the second floor/east side provides patrolling uniformed and undercover cops. And the FBI has offices in the basement. Not to mention cameras recording every square inch of the place.

    Like everywhere else, things were never the same. It was a long time before I felt safe working there. And many times we didn't feel safe.

    Being we knew the “normal” functioning of the security, cops and FBI, we could always tell when the Mall received a threat that was taken serious. You could feel the shift in atmosphere and watch all the physical changes take place.

    I loved a lot of things about working in the Mall of America. But that is one part I do not miss at all.


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