Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pride 2009


June is generally considered 'Pride month' because the Stonewall riots occurred in June and June is the most popular month for city and state Pride celebrations. (Here in DE our Pride celebration takes place in Sept, after the tourist season ends.)

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which sparked the birth of the gay rights movement, so this year's Pride is extra important!

My fellow blogger Kelly at Rambling Along in Life is doing his annual Pride month photo challenge: post the photo above on your blog and let Kelly know. He will link to you on his month-long Pride post. He is hoping to exceed last year's number of participants in this photo challenge, so why not play along? Its fun!

Check out Kelly's blog! You never quite know what you'll find.

Crush du Jour: Reynaldo Gianecchini


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    We're now at T-10 days and counting for RI Pride. I love going to Pride parades. Even marched in one back in the late 80's.

  2. PRIDE is this weekend in Portland Oregon. There is a big parade in downtown & there will be a two day "block party" with a 2 block area closed to traffic for food & dancing. We have national calibre acts playing live. It is a pretty big deal here in Portland where there is no "gay ghetto" (we are everywhere) & with a gay mayor.
    Should be fun.
    We ( the husband & I & friends) will do something special to mark Stonewall & the Solstice (probably involving alchohol).
    Hope your weekend is swell.

  3. Happy pride to you and yours!

  4. September??? Ouch! I bet the parades in DE look conservative to most other Pride parades for the sake of what the temperature is. You find many people who say they don't go to parades because it's not a reflection of them when they see men stripped down to their underwear or swimsuits and all oiled up. For me, that's the one time a year that I am able to shed my conservative side. Not that I attend in my skivvies. ;-) Chicago's parade is on June 28th.


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