Monday, June 15, 2009

Dine Out for Life

Last night we participated in Dine Out for Life. We've done this for several years, both here and back in the DC area. We always invite friends to accompany us and we always have a good time.

Here and here are links to posts about past years' participation.

This year we did something a little different. Rather than inviting friends who already knew each other, we invited 2 other couples and 2 singles who had not met before.

This might be thought of as 'risky', since there is the possibility that our friends may have nothing in common other than us. But everyone got along well, conversation never lagged, and we had a great time.

We had dinner at Mariachi, serving "fine, authentic Spanish and Mexican cuisine". I'd made a reservation and got a large round table in the corner of the upper level porch dining room, which is what I was hoping for. We all enjoyed our dinners, but agreed that the cocktails seemed a little 'watered down'.

It was a really evening and we felt great knowing that 33% of our food bill was being donated to local organizations that provide AIDS services. Most cities have Dine Out for Life programs, so check this website to locate one near you.

In unrelated news, 'careful demolition' of part of our porch began this morning to make way for the new addition. Stay tuned for photos and progress reports.

Crush du Jour: Leo Franco


  1. Sounds like a nice evening while supporting a cause. I evny you and all your choices of restaurants! I love Mexican food, but there are no good ones where we live :(

  2. We did this several times while living in Miami, but, alas, no such nights like that in South Carloina. The nearest one is in Asheville, NC.
    We are so behind the times.

  3. I don't know if they do this in Nashville or not but suspect they do, and I just haven't heard about it. Sounds like a good evening and nice donation.

    I'm looking forward to the pictures and descriptions of the renovation and remodeling.

  4. Glad you were able to "gauge" your friends well and have a fantabulous time together! I look forward to the pics of the porch project. :-)


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