Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday fragments

Have you seen this video yet? Celebrities pledge to be better humans with more concern for social justice and the environment. Its kind of like a new year's resolution, but I like the idea. What do you pledge?

Won't it be nice when this is no longer newsworthy?

Work has been really busy this week. I started my new position 2 weeks ago and am finding lots of ways I can positively impact my colleagues and our company through process clarification and clarification, but at times it feels overwhelming.

Our good friends Kerry & Hugh are arriving late tonight. They're also bringing with them Kerry's father George and Kerry's best friend Ana and her children Emely and Javier. They are participating in the Polar Bear Plunge on Sun, an annual charity event for Special Olympics. As usual, I will film them (using their DVD camera) and Spouse will hold their towels and robes.

Happy Friday, and have a great weekend.

Crush du Jour: Cody Green


  1. What is your new position? What did you do before?

  2. You mean to tell me your not getting in the water for the polar bear plunge? I did it once,and never again. I thought I would never see the boys again!

  3. HAve a great weekend... and I want Cody Green!


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