Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I need your help!

I have twisted Spouse's arm into agreeing to have a casual holiday open house where we'll serve desserts, coffee, cider, and eggnog.

I want to make most (if not all) the desserts myself. But rather than searching through cookbooks full of recipes that require rarely used ingredients like cream of tartar (what IS that anyway?) I thought I'd ask YOU for your favorite dessert recipes.

We want to serve a mixture of items: cakes, cookies, bars, sweet breads, etc. so this keeps the recipe choices wide open! I only ask that you not send any recipes that require cream of tartar.

I'd really like to make treats that you have made before and have gotten positive feedback from serving. I'd also like at least some things that can be made a day or so in advance, if possible. Oh, and hopefully recipes that are relatively simple. I know enough about myself to NOT try to make my own pie crust, m'kay?

I'm taking off work the day before the party so I can make sure the house is clean and presentable AND to do the majority of the baking. On the day of the party I'll make anything that couldn't be made the day before, and then get out the serving platters, cake pedestal, and dessert trees.

Then, we're going to a birthday party. And when its over, we'll come home and put all the yummy confections out, make the coffee, and greet our guests.

Sounds like a plan, right?

It all hinges on getting some tried and proven recipes for outrageously delicious desserts from YOU, so please don't disappoint!

Email your recipes to SingJaz@aol.com or share your fabulous recipe with the cyber world by posting it on your blog. Just send me a link to your post so I'm sure not to miss it.

I'm really looking forward to making and serving YOUR favorites!

Crush du Jour: Mike Rowe


  1. Mike Rowe is one of my all time favorite hunks! Damn he looks good without a shirt!

    I'll send you at least one recipe, possibly more. How exciting!

  2. Why do you have to live so far away from me!?

  3. Ritz Crackers with Pepper Jelly and Cream Cheese--mmm mmm good! I wish you lived closer to me too!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Okay. Cheesecake Brownie. (aka Chess Squares aka Gooey Cake). Honestly, it only requires 6 ingredients. But, you can add vanilla & chocolate chips- Delicious!

    1 box yellow cake mix
    1 egg
    1 stick butter, melted

    Mix together and mash into 9 x 13-inch greased pan.

    3 eggs, beaten
    1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
    1 box powdered sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla (or another flavor)
    chocolate chips (optional)

    Options: Melt some chocolate chips, pour over cream cheese layer, then swirl with a knife.

    Beat together and pour topping over crust. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes.

    Found a great picture here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_C7_QpFUHnD4/SFkj5zd512I/AAAAAAAAAQw/LLZOOoHZxU0/s1600-h/100_5819.jpg

  6. To make uniform round cookies that are perfect you need an icecream scoop. Of course you don't want one the size used for icecream. Find a small one a little larger than a quarter ($.25). Check a food service store. Stacy


Go ahead! What are you waiting for? Comment already.