Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday cards

We have had the craziest weather lately!
Mon: very windy and cold, high temperature was only in the 20s
Tues: breezy and mild, high temperature in the 50s
Wed: no wind and very warm, high temperature in the 70s
Thurs: rain, high temperature expected to be in the 50s
Fri: (forecast) rain, high temperature expected to be in the 40s
70-some degrees in mid-Dec? And just 2 days after temps in the 20s? That's nuts!

Spouse and I are going to finish decorating our Christmas tree tonight, and then I'm going to start my holiday cars. I'm off work tomorrow and plan to do little else besides write and address cards all day.
I know I've said this before, but I love sending holiday cards. I have my ritual of listening to Christmas music and drinking eggnog as I write them. Its fun and relaxing to me. I usually get cards with glitter on them and the foil lined envelopes. They can't be bright or sparkly enough for me!

The only negative part about it is removing names from my list. Since I add new people to the list every year, I also have to delete some every year or else my list would get too long. I try to keep the list at around 125-130. Otherwise, I'd have to start my holiday cards in July and take out a 2nd mortgage to afford the cards and stamps. (I always buy cards the day after Christmas when they're 1/2 off and save them for the next year.)

This year I ordered holiday-themed return address labels. Here's the 1st style; I'll use these mostly for my Jewish, atheist, and non-Christian friends.
Here's the 2nd style. I picked these because I live near the ocean and a lighthouse, so I thought these really had that 'seaside Christmas' flavor.
I ordered them online and was happy with the reasonable prices and discount for ordering online.

So tonight I will organize my cards, card list, address book print-outs, and return address labels and start singing along! I'm hoping to have them all finished and dropped off at the post office tomorrow, since I'll be doing little else.

Crush du Jour: Carlos Tomaiolo


  1. Why not just send out an Xmas form email?? Much easier and cheaper!!

  2. I agree with CB....skip the cards. I used to always feel such unwanted pressure to get the cards out...I'd do them fast and furious, no meaning or thought, just to get them in the mail. No more.
    And we're gearing up for our first snowfall this weekend and temps below freezing for the first time.

  3. I understand how it can be fun to send out Christmas cards. If you've got that 'fun' attitude about it, and all your traditions set up well, it is a blast! However, if it seems like a chore and you dread it, then have mercy! don't!

    I'm glad you enjoy it. Very few people send out cards anymore. It's nice to get an old fashioned paper card in the snail mail box.
    Have fun!

  4. Anonymous8:45 PM

    OMG I know Thomas and Kathleen Lancaster. I am os sending them a card, thanks for the address.

  5. I like your labels!!! Too cute! Nice crush, too.

  6. Don't be a cheap bastard like CB. Good for you. I hate it when Thanksgiving falls late in the month for it seems I never catch up.
    Can I get the Carlos model in a nice bedside lamp?


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