Monday, November 03, 2008

Weekend update

Fri evening we had a fun time at Liz & Justine's Halloween costume party/wedding reception.
There really weren't any physical references to the 'wedding reception' as I'd imagined. No white wedding bells or doves; just people in Halloween costumes. We didn't take our camera so I don't have any photos, but there were some clever costumes.

Since the theme was 'couples' many people were creative. One couple had added 'fins' to one of their outfits and bags of potato chips to the other. They were 'fish and chips'. There were two couples who came as an electric socket and plug. Apparently they shopped at the same costume store. Another couple came as Austin Powers and a shagalicious lady. As stated before, Spouse & I were Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Our hostesses were black-eyed peas. Hmmm, sounds familiar.

One woman came as Nancy Pilosi and she looked exactly like her! When she walked in I was like "What is Nancy Pilosi doing here?" She had a color photo of Nancy Pilosi pinned to her lapel, carried a gavel and a small American flag, and encouraged everyone to vote Democratic on Tues. She was quite funny.

Sat we met up with our friends Robert & Liz, saw their house, and caught up on each others' news over lunch at a great Indian restaurant. We hadn't seen them since Dec so we had a good time. Then we returned to Spouse's mom's house and visited with her and his sister and kids. Then our friend Wendy came over and we went to dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant The Taco House. It was absolutely delicious, and we enjoyed seeing Juan, Gloria, Sandy, and Neville.

Sun morning we met up with Kerry & Hugh, George, Kelly, Ana, Emily and Javier for breakfast. It was great to see them all, as it had been quite a while. We really didn't do much catching up, as the US Presidential election continued to overpower the conversation. I will be so happy on Nov 5th when that is over. Afterward we hung out at Spouse's mom's house again talking to her and Wendy until Spouse's sister and kids came over again. When they left around 2pm we were right behind them.

This will be a short work week for both of us. Spouse worked today, but has tomorrow off for the election (since he's a state employee). He works Wed but is off 1/2 day on Thurs for the election parade. Then he works on Fri. I work today, tomorrow, and Wed and then will be off Thurs and Fri for the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival. I'm so excited! As I did in past years, I will recap the films I see each day so you can add those you like to your Netflix queue.

Crush du Jour: Jon LaJoie

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the film festival!

    BTW - Pelosi, Nancy.



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