Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Expectant father

Today I'm feeling the way I imagine an expectant father feels near the end of the 9th month of his wife's pregnancy. Its not if, but exactly when that bundle of joy will arrive.

Only, instead of anticipating a baby (god forbid!), I am expecting my "baby" today:
I was notified last Fri by the vehicle transport company that my "baby" would be picked up on Mon, with an estimated delivery date of Wed, today! But I don't know when yet.

My car will be one of several being transported on the car carrier, so it could arrive at any time. I'm told that the driver will call me when he gets close to arrange for the exact location of the delivery.

Last year our friend Nick bought a car from elsewhere and had it shipped. He got a call from the carrier driver at 11:30 PM indicating he'd be there in 15 minutes!

My "baby" can't be delivered to my driveway because I live on a very narrow one-way street. The car carrier would never be able to make the turn onto my street. So I'm going to tell the driver to meet me a few blocks away, where he can safely park his rig and deliver my bouncing bundle of joy.

It has been my dream since I-don't-know-when to own at 1959 Cadillac, so to say "I'm excited" is really an understatement.

Please take second to vote in the license plate poll! If you have any other clever suggestions, leave them in the comments.

Crush du Jour: Tyler Davin


  1. Car is hot-- I want to go on a joyride with you!!! Tyklr Davin is hot too-- he looks a bit non human in the waist though...

  2. Oh, you must be SO excited! You must have received it by now! I hope it is all you were expecting and more! :)

  3. I hope the stork arrives early.

    Have fun when baby arrives!

  4. You know I loves me a little,or should I say ALOT of Tyler! And he looks soooo good in those black swim trunks!


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