Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hittin' the road

I'm going to be leaving shortly for my road trip/business trip. I hate having to leave at 1:00 on a Sun, but I have to get there before 6:00 when the cocktail reception/buffet starts. I feel like I'm giving up 1/2 my weekend, which is supposed to be MY time. But I'll take the time later on as comp time. Otherwise it means I'm working for free.

I won't have much computer access while I'm gone since I'll be in a hotel conference room, but I'll try and slip in a post if I can. Until I return late Tues night, I leave you with...

Crush du Jour: Mark Dalton


  1. have a nice biz trip-- catch you on the rebound!

  2. Thank you for leaving Mark for us to occupy our time with until you get back. :-)

  3. Have a good trip. I will miss you!


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