Friday, December 07, 2007


Today is my birthday. Yup, December 7th; the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day. Today I am 44 years old, which is rather astounding to me, since I feel perpetually 27.

I'm not sure how I got 'stuck' at 27, but I've always felt younger than I am. Maybe its because I look younger than am? A few months ago I was singing karaoke at Freddie's and a guy told me he thought I was 33. Okay, it was a bar, lighting was dim, and there's lots of alcohol, but it was nice to hear.

Actually I don't mind being 44. What I do mind is that I've only celebrated 15 birthdays. I was raised in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, so I didn't celebrate birthdays until I left them in 1993. My 1st ever birthday celebration was my 30th birthday. It was terrific.

Last night Spouse made 3 pans of homemade lasagna. This evening they'll be eaten by the guys we usually have dinner with on Fri nights at the Miltonian restaurant because they're coming here for my birthday dinner. Spouse is a great cook, and Italian food is his specialty. People would walk miles in 6-foot snow drifts without shoes backwards for his lasagna. It will be great.

And then we get to eat cake!

Drag Queen name of the day: Freida Go


  1. Happy birthday!!!

    That lasagna sounds delish!

  2. Happy Birthday sorry I'm a few hours late but the Holidays are keeping me busy.Hope you had a super duper day.

  3. Happy Birthday late! Sounds like you got to pig out at least. And that note from your friend above is hilarious.

  4. Happy Happy birthday! Sorry I'm a day late.

    I turned 42 this year, so I'm close enough to relate. However, I've celebrated all 42 of them.

    Homemade lasagna was what I always requested for my birthday dinner from Mom and from my first husband.

    And did you hear about the guy who was half African-American and half Japanese? Every December 7 he would attack Pearl Bailey.


  5. Happy late! Hope it was a great one!

  6. Happy 44! I'm (almost) 2 years older than you. My b'day is next month. I am grateful for all of my years, even the horrid ones, because I've learned so much. Wouldn't wanna go back. Hope 44 is good for you.


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