Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shorter days

I think one of the best things about summer is how long the days get. Here in the Mid-Atlantic region it can stay light until 9:00 or so in the peak of summer.

In the spring we began meeting friends for dinner every Fri at 7:00 and its always been light at that time. Sometimes it would still be light when we were leaving. But this past Fri I noticed it was barely still light at 6:45 as we headed to Milton for dinner.

Jordan gets fed and walked right around 6:00, and often the sun has been so high and bright that I would wear sunglasses while walking her. But yesterday I walked her at 6:15 and didn't need sunglasses at all. In fact, the sun was close to setting when we returned home at 6:40.

Although the unseasonably warm temperatures have left us feeling as if its still summer, the shorter days and earlier sunsets are a harsh slap of reality that it is indeed fall.

I always have mixed feelings about fall. A part of me grieves the end of summer, wearing shorts and sandals, driving with the top down, while another part of me anticipates the beauty of fall leaves, the smell of wood burning in fireplaces, and the knowledge that the mirth of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are close at hand. I think I'd actually miss fall if I lived in Hawaii or some other place of eternal summer. But given the opportunity, I think I'd still move to Hawaii!

Drag Queen name of the day: Misty Meanor

1 comment:

  1. just found your blog... i'm too lazy to go all the way back to see if you used it before but my favorite drag name is ..... are you ready? CRAVEN MOOREHEAD... i almost died when i heard it the first time...


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