Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More 'Music in the Park'

Last evening we decided to attend 'Music in the Park' again. We'd really enjoyed it when we went before. Rather than walking as we did last time, we decided to sling our 'Whatachairs' over our shoulders and ride our bikes to the park where the free concerts are held.

We parked our bikes, set up our chairs and began listening to the band called Cole Younger. The lead singer explained the band's name came from a guy named Cole Younger who was an associate and fellow bank robber with Jesse James. 'Nice inspiration for a band name' I thought to myself. Many of the band's original songs included themes of Cole Younger's assumed activities and thoughts. Unfortunately we didn't find them to be particularly interesting, nor did we find the lead singer's voice to be very good. It kind of reminded me of the way some straight guys will develop a fascination/fixation over some historical character, in this case an old-west bad guy.

Here's my thought about performing original songs: If you write good original songs then you probably have a career writing songs for Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, or Keith Gill. If you don't have such a career then your original songs probably aren't that good, and you will bore people when you perform too many of them in one sitting. Local bands should stick to doing covers of songs people know and like, with the occasional original song thrown into the set to stroke the band's ego. Nobody wants to go to a concert and listen to all original songs they don't know and can't hum along with. Its just a fact of life, like it or not.

So after about an hour of songs we'd never heard before, inspired by a bank robber, we packed up our chairs and rode back home. We ate some watermelon and watched a DVD from Netflix.

Drag Queen name of the day: Polly Urethane

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