Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Back to DC

We had a great weekend back in DC.

We left Lewes at 5:00 and arrived at Joe's mom's at 7:30. We said hello, got the dog situated, and then met our friends Bugsy & Roger at the Taco House. We had a great meal (as usual) and got caught up with them. They are preparing to go on a cruise to Hawaii! I'm so jealous. I've wanted to go to Hawaii ever since I was a kid when my dad got to go for a business trip and my mom tagged along. Bugsy & Roger are coming to visit sometime after they return from their trip so we can see their photos and hear about all their adventures.

Sat morning Joe & I had coffee and visited with Joe's mom and brother Frank. Frank told us about his new job, and Evelyn told us about her plans to take a cruise to Bermuda in June. After showering we left to meet our friends Clara and Susan for lunch in Fairfax.

Susan, Clara, and I all worked for the same company years ago and although we've all moved on we still stay in touch. Wed was Clara's birthday and since she just announced she was pregnant we decided to meet for lunch. We had a great time talking, laughing, and eating. They are great friends. We were there for 3 1/2 hours!

On the way back to Springfield we stopped in Tyson's at my aunt Mary's. She gave us an English tea cart and a set of 3 nesting tables that had belonged to her and my grandmother. Mary is wanting to change her decorating style to something more contemporary so was looking to rid herself of these more traditional items. Since our living room has an eclectic design I thought they would fit in well. We had a nice little visit with Mary and then loaded the furniture into the Suburban. Mary came with us back to Evelyn's and the 4 of us went to dinner.

After dinner I dropped Joe & Evelyn off at the house, took Mary back to her place, and then headed to Freddie's to meet up with a few friends. It was karoke night so I was looking forward to singing. It was very crowded and there were lots of singers so even though I was there for 2 hours I only got to sing once. It was fun to see my friends though. While there I recognized a guy I hadn't seen in about 14 years. Oddly enough his name popped right into my head so I approached him to confirm it was him. He was surprised I remembered his name and apologized for not remembering mine. Chris and I met at the Prince William County Gay & Lesbian Association in the spring of 1993. Chris was the president/organizer of the group and I began attending some of the social events prior to 'coming out'. I gave him my email address and hope he'll stay in touch.

Sun morning Evelyn, Joe & I went to Kerry & Hugh's for breakfast and to visit. Kelly, George, and Ana and her family were there as well. We had a great time talking, laughing, and eating. (Sounds familiar...) We got back to Evelyn's around 1:00 and tried to get in touch with Joe's sister Mary. Sat night she had said she'd hook up with us after we returned from breakfast. But since her phone was busy for quite a while we decided to pack up and go home. We left at 2:00 and got home at 4:30.

After unloading the furniture from the Suburban Joe put a load of laundry in the washer and we went to the grocery store to do our weekly shopping. We had dinner at home and watched TV. We went to bed shortly after 10 but I couldn't sleep so I got up at 11:15 and watched more TV. I went back to bed at 12:30.

Drag Queen name of the day: Stella Doro

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I don't get this drag name....Stella Doro=Steel Door?



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