Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Weekend recap

Fri night we went to see ‘Reno 911: Miami’. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be that great and should be reserved for DVD viewing, and I was right. It wasn’t as good as the TV show, although there were a few funny parts. Joe was very eager to see it so we did.

Sat after breakfast we went to Bad Hair Day salon so Joe could get his hair cut. I got mine cut there 2 weeks prior and really liked the cut and the salon. The salon’s walls are black with the exception of the front wall which is all glass. In the waiting area there is an enormous crystal-looking chandelier, and on every one of the styling stations there is a smaller, lamp version of the chandelier. They play fun music and the stylists wear fun clothes. They also offer you a beverage (coffee, tea, water, wine, beer) while you wait. I told Joe’s stylist that I hoped he could cut Joe’s hair so that it gave him a ‘fresher, younger’ look since he’s had the same hair style for the entire 10+ years I’ve known him. The stylist did a great job and Joe looks fabulous!

Next we headed over to Home Depot with a gift card in hand to look for a cordless drill/screw driver combo. A very nice and competent gentleman helped us decide on one, since the prices ranged wildly. I explained I wasn’t planning to build a house with it; I just wanted a good weekend project tool. We also picked up a package of drill bits and screw heads along with a level. (I’ve always wanted a level to make picture hanging accurate.)

Next we went back to the linen outlet where we’d seen the curtain panels we wanted for the living room. (The store had 3 but we needed 4.) Last week the store manage sent an email to all stores in the chain regarding the panel we wanted, and one of the stores responded by shipping the panel to me. It should arrive tomorrow. So on Sat we bought the other 3 panels from our local store since the 4th one was on its way. When we got home I put up the 3 and they look great!

Sat afternoon we plugged the drill/screw driver battery into the charger and then drove to Dover. Although Rehoboth has the outlet malls, Dover has the chain stores like Target, Best Buy, Kohl's, and Value City. After checking out the goods at several places we headed back towards home and stopped for dinner at Meding & Son seafood. They have a gigantic ship's propeller in front of the restaurant and we've been curious about the place. Turns out the dad started selling wholesale seafood out of a pick-up truck, then opened the seafood carry-out, and then added on the restaurant. Gradually several family members have come to work with him. The food was terrific and we are definitely going back.

Sun after breakfast we mounted our replacement mailbox to a bracket, and then attached the bracket to the neighbor's existing mailbox post. We now have a fully-installed mailbox! Then we unpacked the last of the boxes. They were mostly decorative items, which is why we could function for 4 weeks without having unpacked them yet. It felt good to finally have everything unpacked – not that it’s all put away, but at least it’s unpacked. With all the boxes unpacked we loaded all the flattened boxes, packing paper and bubble wrap into the Suburban and dropped them off at the recycling center. Then we hooked up the TV, cable box, DVD player, and VCR in the 3rd floor rec room.

Later we stopped in at our neighbors Jim & Barb’s house. Jim had back surgery on Tues so we decided to bring them a basket of goodies to enjoy during his recuperation: flavored coffees, teas, cocoa, cookies, jam, and chocolates. They invited us in, gave us a tour of their house, and invited us to sit and chat for a while. They are very nice and interesting folks, and we had a lovely visit with them.

While we were visiting with Jim & Barb it began to snow. At times it snowed pretty hard, but only for a few minutes at a time. We got less than an inch, but it was just enough to give everything a pretty white covering. We both showered and then went to an Oscar party at our friends Steve & Paul's house in Georgetown (DE). Unfortunately the snow scared several people away so it wound up being just Rick, Steve, Paul, and us. But we had a great time anyway. They had decorated their house with movie memorabilia and decorations, they had food and drinks, and gift bags for attendees - just like the real Oscars!

Steve & Paul are real movie fans and have converted their dining room into a true movie theatre. The walls and ceiling are painted very dark, they have black-out shades and curtains on the windows, and they have a projection system TV that shows on a huge screen. They even have a candy counter stocked full of all your movie-watching favorite candies. They are really nice guys and we had a fun time.

By the time we left the Oscar party the temperature had risen a few degrees and it was raining. By Mon morning there was no sign of the previous day's snow.

Drag Queen name of the day: Della Ware

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