Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Beach Birthday Weekend #2

...because really - 1 beach birthday weekend simply isn't enough.

Last weekend we went to the beach with yet more friends celebrating birthdays. As stated earlier, Joe's birthday was 7/20. His best gal-pal Wendy's birthday was 7/21, and Jamie (from the Newlyweds) also shares 7/21 as his birthday. So Wendy and both of the Newlyweds joined us for a celebratory weekend at the beach.

On Sat morning Joe made his famous blueberry pancake breakfast (for details see last weekend's menu in the blog entry called "Happy Birthday Joe"). Shortly after 11am we decided it was too hot to go to the beach, so we went to the world's best dollar store, and then to some outlet stores, topped off by lunch at the Dirty Finger restaurant. (Its not really called the Dirty Finger, but for an explanation read last weekend's blog entry.) After the heat of the day had passed, we went to the beach. It wasn't as breezy as I like it, but it was a pretty day and we enjoyed it.

After showers, cocktails, and a quick trip to the grocery store, we all participated in preparing dinner: Salmon fajitas and corn on the cob. Of course we had enough food for twice as many people, so we saved the left-overs and had them the next day. Wendy is very into astrology so she agreed to do Michael & Jamie's charts. I would have liked her to do my chart too, but she needs to know the exact time of your birth, and I don't know when I was born. Then we had a carrot cake birthday cake, baked by Michael and sang 'Happy Birthday'.

Sunday's breakfast was a repeat (for me) of last Sunday's breakfast. (You know where to find the details if you're so inclined.) Then Wendy did tarot card readings on Michael, Jamie, Joe and me. It was very entertaining. My reading was all about change, trusting in the process, going with the flow, with the assurance that everything will work out for the best. I attributed most of this info to pertain to our pending move to DE. One of my cards indicated a woman older than me who speaks bluntly, without much tact, would be very instrumental in facilitating the change. This prediction was a perfect description of our realtor!

After the readings Wendy, Joe, and Michael took naps while Jamie and I went to the pool. Then we cleaned up the house, packed, and headed back home. The traffic was great and we got home in the usual amount of time. It was a fun weekend!

Drag Queen name of the day: Patty Cake

1 comment:

  1. One birthday? Well! Glad you all had fun once again!

    The Dirty Finger restaurant sounds scary!


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